Ok, looks like I am behind in posting. At the time of my last posting I was experiencing a cold, or what I thought was a cold, that turned into a sickness spanning weeks and then a surprise of a positive pregnancy test. Weeks turned into to months and with constant nauseousness, vomiting and just plain exhaustion, I didn't do much that warranted posting.
Until now!
I've energy and no sickness and our life is about to be turned topsy turvy. Well it turns out I'm not the only one! Emily and Taylor (Emily is Alan's cousin) are expecting just a smidgen before us so what better time than the start of summer (ignoring the down pour of rain today) to have a baby shower for them! The weather could not have been better and the company was delightful.
The theme: Dr. Seuss and the Land of Books
Hosted by: Shirley, Paula, and me
Decor: Red, light blue, white, and a splash of yellow with dots, stripes and swirls
gooeycheese (brie) & glazed figs
dippy artichoke
devilish green eggs
salad cheese cups
cheesey baked noodles
fruity tart
baby funfetti cakes
berried parfait
I made some documents, from ideas on the web, and you can leave a comment here if you would like a PDF of them. I made a cute banner, Shirley made some adorable 'books' for the garland. We all worked our tails off for the delicious spread. We had a guess how many book worms in a jar contest and then we played a match the title of the book to the author game. Cindy, the soon to be grandma, won herself some Smarties after a smashing win!
I am definitely sitting a lot today to recover from the party but it was totally fun and I'd do it again in a heart beat!