September 29, 2007

First night of sushi club

All went well... I am so glad I live where I can get decent fresh fish. The group had so much fun we decided that we are going to have monthly get togethers!

September 26, 2007

Pics from the Knitty calendar submission

Thanks to A for taking these. I love them. Oh, the pictures were taken on the Oregon Coast, Haceta Head Lighthouse is in the background.

September 25, 2007

strike 2

Word on the street is that the winners of Knitty's 2008 Calendar contest have been notified. Hmmm. Bummer.

Current projects consist of the never ending scarf project (no mistakes yet) and a Sheldon the Turtle. I need a good baby gift for a friend. I was thinking of a blanket to go with it but need a good pattern. I'm thinking 24" square. The colors I decided on for Sheldon are Sirdar Baby Bamboo in Willow and Ming.

Oh, don't forget Science Pub is soon. Next topic is From Sputnik to Spirit: What We've Learned About Our Solar System
When: Thursday, October 11
Where: Luna, 30 E. Broadway, Eugene
Presentation begins at 7:00pm and will last around 1.5 to 2 hours.

September 20, 2007

I just lost at Jenga

I've been working on a project with a group of people and it is all going swimmingly and then wham. Someone pulls out a side piece and it falls. My work group is losing our intern/sidekick to THE DARK SIDE and although we are all very happy (and a bit jealous), I am feeling (selfishly) crushed.

Blah, it is not that serious but it still feels like it. I'll get over myself, maybe.

September 18, 2007

Update on Ravelry position

The invites are just whippin' out the door! I can't wait.
* You signed up on July 23, 2007
* You are #20091 on the list.
* 5986 people are ahead of you in line.
* 13589 people are behind you in line.

Wow, behind me is a lot of peeps. I hope my knitting group signed up early...
Ravelry link

as if one ball isn't complicated enough

Laurel and I decided to jump in feet first and try to learn Fair Isle Knitting and Intarsia (colorway) from the nice folks at Soft Horizons Fibre. Phew. I definitely learned some stuff. For one, two colors is hard but I can almost pick while purling. I like stranding and now I can knit backwards! This was only the first day so can't wait to practice more and go back for the second day. Mona rocks.
And in other news... my second design submission is off. A big thanks to Carey B for modeling my creation and Sylvia for assisting.

September 14, 2007

Sometimes you get water when you don't need it

No, I'm not talking about rain.

So last night was a fab time at the Science Pub. Met some new peeps (Alan will get the title here). I wanted to have some great info about what I learned but is was a bit over my head.

Some thoughts though...

What are the signs for reproduction in the supersymetric "shadow" particles?
Will the physics revolution happen in my lifetime and if yes, should I return my physics books to Smith Family for more of a refund?
Is the motion consistent with the pulling?

Phew. That is enough for now. Next month should prove just as exciting.
Until next time, zeros matter, Einstein's constant is something like 186,000 miles/second, and leptons are a real thing. Have another mojito.

September 11, 2007


Okay, finished design #2. See design #1 in the October issue of MagKnits. I am finishing the pattern tonight and then come the photos! I feel pretty good about the idea. How the yarn flows has always been of interest to me... Moving on from squares! Sorry, no pictures of this one. I am submitting it for publication online.

September 6, 2007

Science Pub

Oh yeah! I just received the announcement about the next Science Pub at Luna. I am so there!

Particles, Energy, and Our Mysterious Universe with Professor Jim Brau, Ph.D., Knight Professor of Natural Science, University of Oregon Physics Department and Center for High Energy Physics.

Thursday, September 13 at 7 p.m.
30 E. Broadway

Presentation begins at 7:00pm and will last approximately 2 hours.

The Eugene Science Pub is held every second Thursday of the month and is open to anyone and everyone. Ask your friends and colleagues to join you! No RSVP is necessary.

For a description of upcoming Science Pubs, please visit the website.

Also, I'm still working out the final details of my new knitting design. It is knitting up nicely. I am also still working on the never ending scarf project and no mistakes yet!