November 19, 2011

Roasting carrots and what is in my knitting bag...

So we have had an abundance of beautiful carrots from our CSA over the past couple of weeks and now that I am mastering the storage of all the goodies, I have enough carrots to make a big old pot of soup! I'm roasting them as we type this in the hopes I finish the soup in time to take it to Alan's grandma's house for lunch. Here is a cute video of her humming to Frankie to help calm him down... Frankie is great grandchild #20 for her!

I also thought it was time that I get back to knitting. I do off and on during summer but now that winter is in full swing, it just seems easier. I finished a sweater from a pattern called Bitty Boy Bump. I used a soft alpaca mix in forest green.

In the knitting bag I have 1 other baby project, Snug, another sweater jacket but this one has a hood. This one is done in a chunky vibrant blue yarn. I got to the point in the pattern where I was supposed to be knitting the shoulders using invisible vertical seaming on a garter stitch and I realized (after I finished of course) that I was so out of it that I seamed the ARM HOLES closed instead of the shoulders. UGH. Had to take it out and fix it, which took longer than the seaming. I'm hoping to finish it in time for Frankie to wear it! :)

Here it is in it's current state:

The other 2 projects I am knitting are gifts so I won't be posting about them until they are done. Sadly, I've been working on them both for more than a year. Knitting lace is complicated sometimes and requires my full attention so a good amount of time for that is hard to come by!

Anyway, happy Saturday!

PS... Frankie is 7 weeks old now and about 12 1/2 lbs!

November 11, 2011


Following suit of some dear folk (Ali & Emily), I've decided to post 11 thoughts/wishes/hopes...

  1. Happiness and continued good health for Frankie. Can you believe he is 6 weeks old?!
  2. To support and love Alan as we continue to enjoy our life together! :)
  3. A safe and peaceful holiday season for all my family.
  4. For those out there going through change, you will come out the other side better for it.
  5. Thankful to those who have served our country, by choice or necessity.
  6. Grateful for a home and all the trimmings.
  7. Proud of my mom for taking care of herself.
  8. Impressed by my little sister and all she has turned out to be... happy she has EB and her boys.
  9. Lucky for reconnecting with my mom's family...
  10. Missing friends and bubble tea...
  11. I hope that dance lessons are in my future... a girl can dream!

November 6, 2011

5 weeks

Being pregnant seemed to last forever and having F around seems to be the opposite. Time is just flying by and it is really sad to see him growing so fast. We have already put away the newborn clothes and now we are in the 3 month clothes category. I have a sneaking suspicion that like women's clothes, size doesn't necessarily reflect and real 'size' so I refuse to think he is big for his size because he isn't!

Anyway, here are some new pics...